Treasuring Marriage

As we all know, the concept of what marriage is and means has changed drastically in recent years. Research shows that young people in record numbers are either choosing not to get married or are choosing marriage later than ever before. The average age for women to marry is now 27.1 and men wait to get married until they are 29.


In the book “iGen,” by Dr. Jean Twenge, Caitlyn, a 22-year-old says, “Marriage is boring because you’re stuck with the same person for the rest of your life. It’s like having chicken every night for dinner.” Ouch. No disrespect to Caitlyn, but, in my opinion, a Christian marriage is better compared to a piece of expensive jewelry that over time keeps appreciating in value.


In 1989, when I bought an engagement ring for Staci, I withdrew all but $20 from my savings account. Little did she know when she said “yes” to me, that she was agreeing to marry a man whose net worth was equal to a large pizza! However, I can honestly say that I was not worried or anxious in that moment – only excited to spend the rest of my life with that young woman who has now been my amazing wife for 33 years.


Jesus taught us that our relationship with our spouse is second only to our relationship with God which we should also cherish. Matthew 13:44 says, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”


Important relationships in our lives require sacrifice, time, commitment, and money. God, our spouses, and our children must be at the top of the list ahead of everything else that demands our attention and affection. The strength of CCA is directly related to the strength of our marriages and families. So, young parents, I am encouraging you to take time for those date nights just the two of you, and make time to dream, build, and enjoy sharing life together. Your family (and CCA) will be better for it! 


David Landis, Superintendent